Where is Inventure PreSchool located?
Inventure PreSchool is an initiative of the Inventure Academy, located on the Whitefield Main Road near Svastha Hospital
What are the School timings?
School timings are from 08:00 am – 02:30 pm. PreK has the flexibility to opt for timings till 12:00 noon
What is the class size?
We have a standard class size of 25 students per section
Does the school provide transport?
Yes, there is a school bus facility enabled with GPS tracker, CCTV cameras, Speed Governors and Lady Caretakers.
Is there a canteen facility in the school?
Yes, a Meal Plan is an optional facility at Inventure.
Breakfast and Lunch are available in the dining room for students enrolled in the meal plan. In addition, a mid-morning health drink (hot/cold milk) is provided for Meal Plan students. At dispersal time, students are given a small snack and a glass of juice which fortifies them for the journey home.
Does the School have a daycare facility?
No, Inventure Preschool does not provide extended care facilities
What is the Preschool's fee?
Click here for information on the school fees
When does the academic session start?
The Academic Session starts mid-May and ends in the first week of April. Inventure follows a Balanced Year Round (Split) Calendar with about one month of vacation for students in mid-April to mid-May, and another in mid-July to mid-August. This calendar allows for more effective spans of teaching-learning time, interspersed with timely breaks to maximize wider world learning opportunities, both in India and overseas.
When do admissions begin?
The academic year starts mid-May. Admissions generally start around September of the previous year, and are open throughout the year, depending on the availability of seats (we only take 25 students per class, and have four sections per grade).
It is recommended that you visit the campus and familiarize yourself with the approach and Core Purpose of the school before applying. Overseas parents may review our website, chat or call us directly.
Where can I get an application form?
You can write to [email protected] to get the application form.
What are the criteria for admission to the school?
Inventure Preschool is a top-rated school. We welcome those who subscribe to our values and approach towards education. Preference is given to siblings, children who live in proximity to the school, and those who express an uncommon level of passion or excellence in any particular field.
What are the documents required for admissions?
Completed Application Forms to be submitted along with:
- 1 photograph
- A copy of the child’s Birth Certificate
- Academic records / transcripts for the last 3 years
- Transfer Certificate
- Copy of visa / permit (if the student is not a citizen of India)
- Your child’s Transfer Certificate from his/her previous school
What is the admission procedure?
What is the School Calendar like?
In ‘The Balanced Year-Round Calendar’ at Inventure Preschool, the summer vacation is split into 5 weeks over April and May. Another 3 weeks in July-August allows approximately the same number of days at school as the traditional calendar, with intermittent breaks to maximize wider world learning opportunities, both in India and overseas.. Research demonstrates that long summer breaks actually hamper the retention of knowledge and learning in students. The ‘Balanced Year-Round Calendar’ typically allows for more effective spans of teaching-learning time, interspersed with timely breaks and better retention.